Love Affair With Walnut
I’m not ashamed to say this, but I have 4 loves in my life. 1. my mother 2. Denver 3. My dog-child Charlie and 4. Walnut…dry kilned, 2-1/4” planed glass smooth, live edge dark walnut to be exact!
You see, my entire life, ever since I was a child at the doctors having my back sharpie dotted like a domino score card followed by a bazillion sewing pins as if I was a pin cushion, all that childhood traumatic fun just to see what I'm allergic to. Well, as it wood turn out, walnut was, is my biggest allergy and so ever since that awesome day at doc, walnut has always been my nemesis. So every holiday event, random brownie offering, pie, cake, delicious morsel thrown in my face, “Are there walnuts in there?”, “Do they have walnuts?”, “Mom says I’ll need hospital if I eat walnuts”. So many tasty treats I’ve missed out on because of my food allergy to glorious walnuts. I've lived a walnut fearing life…until 2 years ago.
Today at the youthful, prime of my life age of 33, I say with nervousness, that I spend more time with walnut than I do with my to be wife, Denver.…😅
Every night I'm up late working on projects and majority of the time it involves walnut, glorious purple hued, gorgeous waves of wood grain. premium dry kiln thick slabs of dark walnut! It's truly a love affair. Walnut and I we're meant to be, we don't care what the doctors say, what the dog wants or the fact Denver will be looking for me after reading this post!
What can I say, school teaches us opposites attract, and the attraction is strong, destiny is calling and its another beautiful fall morning here at Fresh Brew Woodworks. Time to build the remarkable!
Enjoy your day readers! Don't go messing with stuff you're allergic to, I wear respirators and some may even say I'm a professional and know what I'm doing…most of the time! 😅
Enjoy the day!👍☕🪵